1. To initiate the process for establishing a School Advisory Council, theHome and School Association(or other similar parent organization), thePrincipal and staff or a group of eight or more parents of students attending the schoolshall submit a letter of request or petition to the Board.
2. TheBoardshall refer the letter of request/petition to the Director of Education Services for review and recommendation.
3. TheDirector of Education Servicesshall inform the Family of Schools Supervisor of the request/petition and direct theFamily of Schools Supervisor to implement the School Advisory Council initiation process.
4. TheFamily of Schools Supervisorshall contact the Principal and/or parent group to review the request/petition and offer assistance with the initiation process.
5. TheFamily of Schools Supervisorshall advise the Director of Education Services regarding the initiation process and will provide any relevant information.
6. TheDirector of Education Servicesshall:
a) approve the initiation process;
b) advise (in writing) the Principal and/or the group involved to proceed with the initiation process per the guidelines outlined in the Chignecto-Central Regional School Board - School Advisory Councils Handbook; and,
c) inform the Board's Education Services Committee that approval to proceed has been granted.
7. Upon receipt of the letter of approval (per 6.b) above), thePrincipal and/or the parent groupin consultation with the Family of Schools Supervisor shall plan and advertise a public information meeting in accordance with the guidelines in theC.C.R.S.B. School Advisory Councils Handbook(Step 2.).
8. Per #7. (above), thePrincipal and/or parent groupshall plan and conduct the School Advisory Council Formation meeting.
9.TheSchool Advisory Council Formation Meetingshall be advertised, convened and conducted per the guidelines in theC.C.R.S.B. School Advisory Councils Handbook(Step 3).
10. At the first meeting of the School Advisory Council following formation:
a) theCouncilshall define operating procedures per the guidelines in theC.C.R.S.B. School Advisory Councils Handbook(Step 4.); and,
b) theCouncilshall establish its by-laws per the guidelines in theC.C.R.S.B. School Advisory Councils Handbook(Step 5.)
11. TheFamily of Schools Supervisorshall consult with the Council executive to provide assistance with the development of the School Advisory Council Letter of Agreement perC.C.R.S.B School Advisory Councils Handbook(Step 6.)
12. TheLetter of Agreementshall be developed, negotiated and approved per the guidelines in theC.C.R.S.B. School Advisory Councils Handbook(Procedures for Developing, Negotiating and Approving the Letter of Agreement).
13. Upon approval by the Board, theSchool Advisory Councilis expected to function within the parameters outlined within theC.C.R.S.B. School Advisory Councils Handbook(Parameters and Appendixes "A" - "H").